Gourde pour enfant – Big Bear


( 185 Reviews )

Cette bouteille sans BPA est un véritable must pour tous les enfants qui ont toujours soif. Elle a la taille parfaite pour tenir dans les petites mains d’un enfant. Le matériau flexible leur permet de boire sans se renverser, ce qui la rend parfaite pour l’école et le sport.

Fin de l’offre dans : 


Livraison gratuite à partir de 30€.

Délai de livraison : 6 à 12 jours ouvrés.

Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus.

SKU: CJJJCFHS01030 Categories: ,

Product Information

Notre bouteille d’eau pour enfants n’est pas seulement durable, elle offre également des avantages pour la santé. Le matériau est de qualité alimentaire, ne contient pas de substances nocives et ne retient ni l’odeur ni le goût, afin que votre enfant apprécie également de boire de l’eau sur le long terme. La bouteille est dotée d’un bouchon à vis qui se ferme hermétiquement et est étanche. Elle est également facile à laver à l’eau courante ou au lave-vaisselle.

  • Gourde 100% étanche, sans BPA
  • s’ouvre d’une seule main et peut être verrouillé avec un verrou de sécurité
  • verser en douceur avec un débit d’air contrôlé pour une hydratation sans déversement
  • de la largeur d’une canette de boisson, il tient dans n’importe quel sac à main, boîte à repas scolaire ou sac à dos pour enfant
  • ces bouteilles sans BPA sont fabriquées en plastique. La bouteille convient aux boissons chaudes ou froides.
  • D’une capacité de 500ML il est idéal pour les balades, randonnée, le sport, l’escalade, le vélo etc… Tout type de sport ou de sortie.



0.170 kg


18 × 23 × 4 cm


Bleu, Jaune, Rose, Gris

Reviews (185)

  1. Lisa Powe
    ( 185 Reviews )
    This product is fab for my daughter for work fits more inside than you think and is super cute- love it!
    Aide ? 0 0
    Ms. L. King
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Lunch bag
    Use it daily for my lunch for work. Keeps my lunch fresh.
    Aide ? 0 0
    Alison Blakemore
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Little but quality
    Nice quality. Not as a big as I thought so will help with a diet!
    Aide ? 0 0
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Molto Carina!! Credevo fosse troppo piccola a primo impatto, ma di cose ce ne stanno
    Questa Borsetta Termica è fatta all'esterno di stoffa , per niente low cost come si potrebbe pensare dal prezzo, con una tasca senza cerniera sul fron...More
    Questa Borsetta Termica è fatta all'esterno di stoffa , per niente low cost come si potrebbe pensare dal prezzo, con una tasca senza cerniera sul fronte da poterci separatamente oggetti piccoli come fazzoletti, posate confezionate o salse. Invece all'interno è rivestito in alluminio, da quel che ho notato, se per caso all'interno si macchiasse, la macchia con una passata di panno bagnato va facilmente via, ovviamente meglio pulirla finche è fresca, in caso si seccasse potrebbe attaccarsi e magari danneggiare il rivestimento.
    Inizialmente credevo fosse un po' piccola a prima occhiata, ma poi ho provato a mettere una di quelle confezioni che uso normalmente per i pranzi al sacco (vedi Foto) ed a mia sorpresa ci stava perfettamente, e a lato rimane anche dello spazio per magari la bibita.
    Devo dire che per 10 euro è stato per me un buon acquisto, usandola per quando devo pranzare fuori casa a causa del lavoro, mantiene almeno tiepidi i miei pasti, prima utilizzavo semplici sacchetti usa e getta di plastica, ma grazie a questa borsa potrò evitare il consumo inutile di quest'ultimi, che recano all'ambiente solo danni.
    Ps: si può benissimo utilizzare anche x la conservazione del fresco dei prodotti, magari aiutandosi con qualche borsa di ghiaccio all'interno.
    Aide ? 12 0
    Mrs Box
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Good bag
    Wasn't as tall as I thought it would be and can't get a flask into it. But I csn get everything else in.
    Aide ? 0 0
    R. Nathalie
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Excellent mais logo enfantin
    Je suis ravie de la qualité du sac pour mon lunch au bureau. Par contre j’ai trouvé le logo enfantin (et on ne s’en aperçoit pas forcément lorsqu’on p...More
    Je suis ravie de la qualité du sac pour mon lunch au bureau. Par contre j’ai trouvé le logo enfantin (et on ne s’en aperçoit pas forcément lorsqu’on passe commande) et je l’ai décousu. Excellent achat : capacité / tenue du froid / qualité du tissu-zip
    Aide ? 3 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Petit mais efficace
    Il paraît petit du premier abord mais il est très logeable. Je l'ai acheté pour transporter mon lait maternel à la crèche (soit dit en passant, pour b...More
    Il paraît petit du premier abord mais il est très logeable. Je l'ai acheté pour transporter mon lait maternel à la crèche (soit dit en passant, pour bien moins cher que les marques de puériculture qui vendent des articles similaires quatre fois plus cher parce qu'ils sont étiquetés "bébé") mais j'ai testé sa capacité avec une boîte repas, une boisson, un yaourt, dessert, en-cas, tout loge ! Même après la crèche il servira pour les pique-niques.
    Aide ? 0 0
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Très joli petit sac isotherme
    Ce sac isotherme est pile à la bonne taille, ni trop petit, ni trop grand, parfait pour y mettre mon déjeuner et qu’il reste frais jusqu’à l’heure du ...More
    Ce sac isotherme est pile à la bonne taille, ni trop petit, ni trop grand, parfait pour y mettre mon déjeuner et qu’il reste frais jusqu’à l’heure du repas (car un grand sac garde moins bien le froid).
    Niveau esthétique il répond exactement à mes critères : joli, discret, en tissu. Il ne fait ni trop estival, ni trop sombre. Je le trouve féminin (notamment grâce à son logo « nounours ») et à ses anses.
    Il m’a été livré très rapidement (3 jours après ma commande), conditionné dans un sac sous-vide, en bon état, cependant il va falloir un peu de temps pour qu’il reprenne une jolie forme.
    Niveau pratique je trouve la petite poche de devant bien utile, surtout l’été dans on sort déjeuner entre collègues et que je n’ai pas de poches, cela me permettra d’y mettre mon portable et mes clefs.
    Bref, je pense que ce petit sac va devenir mon meilleur ami du midi !
    En espérant vous avoir aidé à faire votre choix. En tout cas je suis très satisfaite de mon achat !
    Aide ? 2 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Les anses ont cédées au bout de 48h
    Pour ma part bonne contenance pour les repas. Style sympa, couleur parfaite. Malgré une charge pas très lourde, les anses ont cédée au bout de 2 jours...More
    Pour ma part bonne contenance pour les repas. Style sympa, couleur parfaite. Malgré une charge pas très lourde, les anses ont cédée au bout de 2 jours... La qualité à ce niveau n'est pas terrible...
    Recousu donc je peux encore l'utiliser mais pas terrible pour un produit à 10€ à réparer au bout de 48h...
    Aide ? 6 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Contenance ridicule
    Publicité mensongère je ne recommande pas du tout je me suis juste fait arnaquer.Ce sac est minuscule, dans la description il est indiqué qu'il peut c...More
    Publicité mensongère je ne recommande pas du tout je me suis juste fait arnaquer.
    Ce sac est minuscule, dans la description il est indiqué qu'il peut contenir un bento une ou deux personnes c'est totalement faux une bouteille de 50 centilitres passe à peine dedans et en hauteur.
    J'ai voulu faire vite en regroupant ma commande pour d'autres articles j'aurais mieux fait de m'abstenir car pour le tarif il y en a des beaucoup plus avantageux dans des grandes enseignes pour 2, 3 €. Par contre au niveau de la livraison et du Style j'ai rien à dire mais très déçue de l'article en lui-même... À fuir.
    Aide ? 7 0
    zaercher sandrine
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Trop beau et de qualité
    Trop joli et franchement à l air petit mais pas du tout...plein de place...!!! Et très bonne qualité......heureusement que je n ecoute pas toujours l...More
    Trop joli et franchement à l air petit mais pas du tout...plein de place...!!! Et très bonne qualité......heureusement que je n ecoute pas toujours les mauvais commentaire....j adore !!!!!!
    Aide ? 7 0
    Mme caposicco
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Sac isotherme gris
    Les plus : très jolie, reçu avant la date, très bien emballé, à l'aire pratique, le prix.Les moins : vraiment très très petit, trop léger, anses pas c...More
    Les plus : très jolie, reçu avant la date, très bien emballé, à l'aire pratique, le prix.
    Les moins : vraiment très très petit, trop léger, anses pas costaud, à l'intérieur l'isolation thermique on dirait une feuille d'aluminium, je ne sais pas encore pour l'instant si ça garde bien froid mais pour le chaud pas du tout...
    Résumé: à part le fait qu'il soit très jolie je suis très déçu du reste. Je ne le recommande pas.
    Aide ? 7 0
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    Anonyme pas vraiment anonyme
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Bon produit
    Quand je l'ai reçu, je l'ai trouvé un peu petit, mais au final, quand j'ai mis mon panier repas, il reste pas mal de place. Je pense que l'on peu faci...More
    Quand je l'ai reçu, je l'ai trouvé un peu petit, mais au final, quand j'ai mis mon panier repas, il reste pas mal de place. Je pense que l'on peu facilement mettre deux panier repas complet et un pain de glace. Pour ce qui est de la résistance à la chaleur, je ne l'ai pas encore mis en œuvre.

    Note: couture ok(pas de fil qui dépasse) les poches sont bien et la fermeture éclair à l'aire solide.
    Aide ? 17 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Cool bottle, I advise to buy, the seller is very good, asked to send pink, good sent pink.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Very fast shipping. Super quality. Recommend.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Super! Delivery 2 tizhny to Ukraine
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Very fast next, Super
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Bottles are great, beautiful look and hope you will be solid. Fragrance minimum, will disappear after washing. Mega fast delivery for Polski-13 days. ...More
    Bottles are great, beautiful look and hope you will be solid. Fragrance minimum, will disappear after washing. Mega fast delivery for Polski-13 days.

    no remark no remark no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The bottle came whole, there are no cracks, only until I checked for tightness. As I check, I'll add a review. Beautiful, very pleasant to the tou...More
    The bottle came whole, there are no cracks, only until I checked for tightness. As I check, I'll add a review. Beautiful, very pleasant to the touch. I ordered early, sent pink.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    A good bottle. took for a gift.

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Very very very recommend! Is My Next water bottle. First have already with 2 years and anything with them not happening. Buys new just because that zg...More
    Very very very recommend! Is My Next water bottle. First have already with 2 years and anything with them not happening. Buys new just because that zgubił me the one. Recommend!
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    That's the second time I buy them super

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Cool bottles for water. Ordered 2 PCs Random flowers, came blue and yellow. In the rest OK. There is a smell of plastic, but after a couple of rinses ...More
    Cool bottles for water. Ordered 2 PCs Random flowers, came blue and yellow. In the rest OK. There is a smell of plastic, but after a couple of rinses disappears.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The bottle is good, the child is happy. Packed only in a package, came whole. I want one more)

    no remark no remark no remark no remark no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    From the moment of payment of the goods to its receipt it was less than two weeks! This is a record for all time orders with Ali! The seller recommend...More
    From the moment of payment of the goods to its receipt it was less than two weeks! This is a record for all time orders with Ali! The seller recommend, the goods too, took a random color, came yellow, the bottle to the touch is very pleasant, as Velvet), there is no foreign smell! Thank you very much!
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Good, does not leak

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Received in time. packed in pupyshki. came whole. very pleasant to the touch, has no smell. thank you
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Plastic can't domyc stinks
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    very goog. shopping fast.

    no remark no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    In magnet for 250 R, bottles better.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Kettle ぺき!
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Ordered second time, fast delivery! Nice bottle! Recommend!

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Thank you very much to the seller! Bottle very liked, the baby was satisfied)))
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Very cool bottle. Have tamper evident.
    Mouthpiece very convenient. Fast wysylka. Recommend

    no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    beautiful and super fast shipping! thank you!
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Nice bottles. I ordered 2 pieces of random colors. The comment indicated that for the girl. Sent pink and yellow. The kids are happy!
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The parcel went to Kiev for 3 weeks.
    The bottle is good.
    No complaints.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    ребенок очень доволен
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    It came quickly, the bottle is pleasant to the touch, it closes well, does not miss. There is a little smell, but I think it's not for long. In ge...More
    It came quickly, the bottle is pleasant to the touch, it closes well, does not miss. There is a little smell, but I think it's not for long. In general, the purchase is happy.

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    хорошая бутылка
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    All as in the description, I recommend the seller.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Bottles super. The quality is excellent.

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    I order a second time, the quality is not bad, convenient for school. The choice of color-randomno-both times came Gray.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The bottle is very high quality
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Very good quality bottle
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Отличная бутылка, пришла серого цвета. Доставка достаточно быстро, рекомендую)
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The order arrived quite quickly. The quality of the bottle is not bad, but on the 3rd day of use it began to jump a button from its place. Does not le...More
    The order arrived quite quickly. The quality of the bottle is not bad, but on the 3rd day of use it began to jump a button from its place. Does not leak, drinking is convenient. For such a price, the goods are good. The seller and I recommend it. With the seller did not communicate

    no remark no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Бутылка герметичная, лёгкая, есть шнурок, цвет соответствует. Но присутствует запах пластика, со временем он выветривается.

    no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Good bottle, there is no smell, the child likes, I too

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Very good bottle
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    es la 3°que compro

    no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Nice bottle. Very large. Plastic quality is so-so. The lid opens quite tight. All plastic in some small creases is not sure that it is food plastic. I...More
    Nice bottle. Very large. Plastic quality is so-so. The lid opens quite tight. All plastic in some small creases is not sure that it is food plastic. Inside the rope handle and label through the translator, everything can be read perfectly.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    c'est arrivé super rapide vendeur recommandé

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    tres jolie
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Very pretty. I don't know how to will check, because not yet used.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Nice bottles. Children are the most. Long went, but worth waiting.

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    All as in the photo
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    всё как на фото
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Бутылочка красивая, пришла за месяц в омскую область. Целая и хорошо упакованная. В деле не пробовали ещё
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Удобная бутылочка, дочь довольна.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    A nice bottle, really liked and the child is delighted. Shipping fast. Quality plastic, reliable cover and what else is needed! Thank you seller. Reco...More
    A nice bottle, really liked and the child is delighted. Shipping fast. Quality plastic, reliable cover and what else is needed! Thank you seller. Recommend!!
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Germanic, opens simply, the child liked
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Bottles are cool!
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    дошло быстро. качество отличное
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Хорошие бутылочки. Доставка быстрая, 3 недели до Сахалина.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Доставка быстрая. В принципе, бутылочка хорошая... Но кнопка очень тугая даже для взрослых и нет петельки.... Очень жаль, но больше для внуков не зака...More
    Доставка быстрая. В принципе, бутылочка хорошая... Но кнопка очень тугая даже для взрослых и нет петельки.... Очень жаль, но больше для внуков не закажу.

    no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Muito útil bonito e bom material
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    отличный товар
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Норм, но на двух бутылках,с разницей в неделю,отломались Uобразные кольца ,предохраняющие от открывания,но и без них не открываются.

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Very cute. Good quality.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Отличная бутылка, пришла за 2 недели.

    no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    заказываю не в первый раз, очень удобная крышка
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    очень удобная, ребенку очень понравилась

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    товар очень классный,
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    butelka piękna, dobry produkt,do Polski szła 2 tygodnie, to nieprawdopodobne polecam sprzedawcę.

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Llego en perfecto estado solo falta probarla
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Toujours aussi belle et pratique. Livraison rapide
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Качество супер! Описание точное. Всё работает.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Шикарная бутылочка! Без запаха и очень приятная и удобная Сыну понравилась Спасибо продавцу!
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    хороша пляшечка,без запаху
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Tal cual como aparece en la foto
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    I ordered 4 bottles, all came in different colors. Thank you seller. After a month of use, one bottle broke the hook closure
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    All as in the description, we will order more
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Beautiful, neat jar. Water doesn't flow. Almost as in the photo. At the seller the bear stands and the paw is waving. And I have legs at the seams...More
    Beautiful, neat jar. Water doesn't flow. Almost as in the photo. At the seller the bear stands and the paw is waving. And I have legs at the seams. But it's not critical to me.

    no remark no remark no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The bottle is excellent, I take the second one. Quality, sealed does not leak. I choose random, came this time Blue)
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Cool bottles, I recommend

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The bottle itself is cool, but the smell of course is thermal-core, I hope to weathered) Thanks for the fast delivery
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The bottle came very quickly, there is no smell, sealed and neat! Definitely recommend to order

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    It's OK.

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Génial j'adore

    no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Excellent water bottle, child delighted, delivery fast
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Everything ok thank you
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Well, she's not wearing straw, but she's fine.

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Excellent bottle, beautiful, quality, well closed
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Thank you
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Came quickly, beautiful, as in the photo, 500 ml

    no remark no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Pleasant to the touch, 500 ml, came quickly, all whole

    no remark no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    I liked it very much, thank you.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Normal bottle, there was no smell. There is a lock so that the lid does not open accidentally in the bag. True, it is necessary to hold the lid, when ...More
    Normal bottle, there was no smell. There is a lock so that the lid does not open accidentally in the bag. True, it is necessary to hold the lid, when you open, or then the seal flies out. My daughter is happy. Delivery to Kamchatka in 10 days.

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Super very good bottle for kids, I am very happy and with delivery fast
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Cool bottles, odorless. They came pretty quickly. Thank you
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Fast Delivery (before ekb for 3 weeks) and the bottle itself is wonderful, I liked it very much. I recommend and the goods and the seller
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Good prudacy, I'm very happy and the child loves it, fast shipping

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The bottle came whole! Thank you! Color and picture declared. All is well.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Cool bottle, baby is very satisfied

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Cool. Water does not flow out, there is no smell, there is protection against accidental opening.

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    So cute!!! Not beating, beautiful

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    very good
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Everything is super. A beautiful bottle, does not let the water pass. Fast shipping.

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Very pretty, like the color
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    I liked it very much, it closes tightly. Delivery month to Rostov

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Reached quickly, the quality is like it!
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Super bottle. It came in 10 days. Thank you seller!
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Fast Delivery
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Bottle cool, came whole

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    At first glance qualitatively, and time will show
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Fast delivery 6 days from China to SPB. The kids liked it. Price and quality six out of five.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The quality of the bottle is worth that money. The goods are satisfied with the seller I recommend thank you
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Excellent bottle, the lid fits tightly, should not leak. No smell. The bottle itself is very pleased with the quality

    no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    It's the 5 I buy to give away

    no remark no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The product came quickly, thanks to the seller, I recommend.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Everything is fine. Recommend
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Water does not flow) it is easy to open and close the child. In general, Super
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The child is delighted.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Very good

    no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Good bottle, does not leak, came quickly enough
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Everything is fine, I liked the bottle, the lid is dense. Thank you very much
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Super and fast delivery in France
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Very quickly came and a quality bottle
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The bottle is super, it came quickly.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    I'm happy with my purchase. item is exactly how described.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Recommend. Nothing leaking.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Came for a month, all as in the description

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Bottle Super!!! Bought random color, came yellow. The child in 2 years is a little difficult to open, but with time we will learn. Not leaking, there ...More
    Bottle Super!!! Bought random color, came yellow. The child in 2 years is a little difficult to open, but with time we will learn. Not leaking, there was a little smell, but after washing it disappeared. The bottle came to Moscow for 7 days.

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Excellent bottle to school child. Small. Recommend. There is a rope holder.

    no remark no remark no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Order to Ukraine came in a month. Chose random color. Gray came. It's like the description. Seller recommend.

    no remark no remark no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Matches the description. Recommend
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Very pretty!. Same as in the photo
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The latch broke on the first day
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Bottle cool, not stinks and is sealed. Slightly zdarty lettering. Ultra long durable shipping.

    no remark no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Nice bottle! Advise! Thank you so much!

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Thank you, the quality is excellent.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    A beautiful bottle, a pleasant texture of plastic, does not leak, the plastic is completely odorless! Fast shipping!!! Kids are happy!
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    I love the bottle. Arrived in 2 weeks in Spain. Thanks to the seller.
    I'll buy more! I haven't reached the seller.

    no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    A wonderful bottle, the child really likes it, everywhere wears it. 4G. With very intensive use, the latch was broken and the lid is slightly shaded. ...More
    A wonderful bottle, the child really likes it, everywhere wears it. 4G. With very intensive use, the latch was broken and the lid is slightly shaded. If I do not find the design easier, I will have to buy another one)

    no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Great bottle beverage! It's already another you kupiłam. Nothing leaking, convenient and zakryty mouthpiece, which is very hygienic. For this nice...More
    Great bottle beverage! It's already another you kupiłam. Nothing leaking, convenient and zakryty mouthpiece, which is very hygienic. For this nice design. Recommend!!!

    no remark no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    I order not the first time, everything is fine
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The bottle does not leak, very comfortable, the child madly likes it!
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Good quality. Fast shipping
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    I have received my package i like it
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Very nice and tough

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Delivery Dnepr three weeks. The quality is excellent. No smell.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Nice bottle. I smelled a little, but the smell was quickly weathered.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Beautiful and comfortable, no water coming out.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Bottles Super
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Random color-gray. The bottle is excellent, pleasant to the touch, the child is happy.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Fast shipping. The bottle is excellent quality. Came Early yellow.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The son is happy, the quality is good.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    It's fine. The bottle is beautiful.

    no remark no remark no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Not received but refunded. So I will re-order
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    All is well. Delivered but on the bottle
    Dent and hard to fix already
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Nice bottle. All is well.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    good quality
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Very good product, I am delighted. I recommend it!

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    All as in the picture. Very nice bottle. Plastic is good, it will not break. There is a rope but not long. No smell. Photo France delivery 2,5 weeks. ...More
    All as in the picture. Very nice bottle. Plastic is good, it will not break. There is a rope but not long. No smell. Photo France delivery 2,5 weeks. Easy to open and close. We are happy with the purchase.

    no remark
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    The product corresponds to the description, came quite quickly, the bottle is odorless, does not flow anywhere, even if you flip it. The only thing is...More
    The product corresponds to the description, came quite quickly, the bottle is odorless, does not flow anywhere, even if you flip it. The only thing is that the white cap holder (plastic loop) is quite flimsy and can fly out of the puzzles, but inserted back no problem
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Aide ? 0 0
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Cela a pris 1,5 mois, le cordon est inclus, la surface est mate, le couvercle est rabattu en appuyant sur le bouton, vous pouvez le boire d'une seule ...More
    Cela a pris 1,5 mois, le cordon est inclus, la surface est mate, le couvercle est rabattu en appuyant sur le bouton, vous pouvez le boire d'une seule main, étanche, j'en ai déjà 4)))
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    correspond à la description
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    correspond à la description
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Super qualité! Livraison très rapide.
    Aide ? 0 0
    ( 185 Reviews )
    Venu pas la bonne couleur :(
    Aide ? 0 0
    Gourde pour enfant - Big Bear photo review
    ( 185 Reviews )
    J’ai bien reçu la gourde. Malheureusement pas la couleur que j’avais demandé… je ne recommande pas
    Aide ? 0 0
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